Sunday, May 10, 2009

11/28/08 : Asian Persuasion

Why do I have the worse flights ever? Granted I am grateful. Some people can’t even afford to pay for a plane ticket and would ride in a cargo plane. So I am not complaining. All I’m saying is that sometimes it would be nice to not sit next to married couples that aren’t idiots.

They were acting like three years olds. I was sure that they were high on something because they were so over the top. They were yelling, talking loud and they kept asking for more and more bags of peanuts. Dang eat before you get on the plane. Plus you only get two bags of peanuts. What was the kicker is that they were Black. Man I wish I was Asian right now. I know the people looking assumed that we were together. They kept looking at me like control your parents. I wanted to yell that they weren’t with me.

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